As an individual who chooses to participate in any of The Soul Sanctuary activities, whether it's via the website, application, services, products or in-person events, I acknowledge and agree to the following -
I understand that yoga and other movements are included in most of The Soul Sanctuary activities. I understand that it involves physical movements such as stretching, balancing, strength-bases asanas, dancing, as well as breathwork, meditative practises, restorative asanas and yoga Nidra. I confirm I am in good physical health and agree to participate in all of these activities at my own risk.
I understand that yoga, mindful movements, breathwork and meditations are an individual experience and I may perceive (or feel) movements or instructions differently to what is explained. I accept that risk of injury or harm cannot be completely eliminated, and therefore I accept responsibility to progress at my own pace whilst listening to my own body. I will never continue through any pain, discomfort, or anything that doesn’t feel safe and good for me.
I understand that Jolandi Joubert, Marc Bowers, and any other of The Soul Sanctuary facilitators aim to deliver practises in the safest way, however I understand both my body, mind and emotions are my own responsibility. I will therefore take care and look after myself wholly to the best of my ability during participation of any of The Soul Sanctuary activities. I will refrain from carrying on with the use of any practises, products or services that doesn’t feel good or safe to me.
I agree to respect each facilitator's processes and judgements knowing that they highly regard and care for each participant's experience, safety and wellbeing.
I understand that natural healing techniques such as yoga, mindful movement, breathwork, mediation, cold water exposure and mindset development can sometimes trigger emotions from the past. I agree to seek professional help should I experience any triggering feelings from past emotions which I feel may require further external and professional support, or when recommended to do so by The Soul Sanctuary.
I understand that I must be physically, mentally and emotionally fit and well to participate in any of The Soul Sanctuary activities. The facilitators advises anyone with poor health to refrain from participating in any practises, services or products until cleared to do so by a professional. Should I choose to participate, I assume full responsibility for any harm that may occur.
I confirm I am not pregnant. I understand that I am responsible for gaining medical professional agreement ahead of practising any of The Soul Sanctuary activities, and to inform The Soul Sanctuary facilitators in case of pregnancy. Should I choose to participate whilst pregnant, I assume full responsibility for any harm that may occur.
I confirm I am at least 18 years of age.
The facilitators may, on occasion, express their thoughts and personal opinions. I understand that this comes from a good place and is not with the intention to insult or disrespect any varying opinions. I agree to stay open-minded and consider other perspectives, however I will stay true to myself and my own beliefs.
The facilitators may on occasion use swear words. I understand and accept this as part of their style and passion.
I agree to participate in all of The Soul Sanctuary activities with an open mind and a positive and professional attitude. I agree to let the instructors know in case of any issues I may be facing whilst using any of The Soul Sanctuary practises, products or services, knowing that the facilitators will deal with it in a confidential and professional manner.
I understand the Values of The Soul Sanctuary is Connection, Love and Fun, and to ensure a healthy and positive environment is maintained, I endeavour to match these values to the best of my ability whilst participating in any Soul Sanctuary activities.
I accept and agree that the instructors are not liable for any injury or damages (to property or person), resulting from participating in ANY activities of The Soul Sanctuary.
I understand all payments are non-refundable unless stated otherwise at the time of booking.
In case of any questions, please email